
Jam Time is a children’s indoor playground and enrichment center in the Boston area designed for kids under the age of six. We are now located in both Maynard and Natick. Children can choose from many of our fun, creative and stimulating classes or have open play in our large indoor playground that is filled with top of the line professional grade play equipment that adhere to the highest safety standards. We also offer all-inclusive themed birthday party filled with energetic age appropriate games and activities. Jam Time offers young Boston children a place to have fun and develop motor skills as well as nurture their creative spirits in a clean, safe environment no matter the weather outside. While the children play, parents and caregivers, which are required to be there for liability reasons, can enjoy our comfortable seating area that allows them to relax while still having a full view of the entire facility. Jam Time will also feature an organic snack bar that will have pre-packaged snacks and a full service gourmet coffee station. Jam Time is a premiere indoor play center that can best be compared to the large children's entertainment chains Gymboree Play and Music and My Gym. Our hours of operations will be seven days a week from 9 to 5:30 each day with children coming and going at different times throughout the day. jam time jamtime boston indoor playground children class classes birthday party kids indoor playground maynard indoor playground sudbury indoor playground concord indoor playground acton indoor playground wayland indoor playground weston.Jam time is a great place for toddlers to come and play at our family fun center in boston. Our indoor playground is great for mommy and me in boston

private play
everyone is required to wear socks